Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So I missed blogging yesterday. I literally looked up at about 11:30 last night and went, "Oh crap. I forgot to write!" At that point I was exhausted and couldn't even pull together a couple pictures to post, so I'm giving myself that one single day and will continue on through the rest of the month.

I'm actually feeling rather unmotivated in general. I've fallen into a bit of a funk and I'm not quite sure how I got here or how to get out. I'll probably end up pushing through it and forcing myself to do just a little bit at a time. I've got the Unfuck Your Habitat app for my phone, so I'll fire it up tomorrow and use its 20/10 timer to work in chunks.

I'm also very much a person who likes to delineate spaces for certain things and because of my house's floor plan, the kitchen remodel has forced me to essentially live in one room. Usually I can go to my desk to work, lounge on the couch and knit, and sit at the table to eat. Now I'm operating entirely out of the master bedroom, which is stuffed full with a king size bed. I know that everything in the house will be back to normal by Friday (when my parents and sister get here) but for the next few days in particular, it just seems like there's so much to do and I just can't find the motivation.

We'll see how tomorrow goes!

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